Kansas State Treasurer urges Congress to work with FERC on gas delivery standards after February cold snap


TOPEKA, Kansas (WIBW) – After a severe winter weather event that sent temperatures plunging well below zero, causing a natural gas crisis in February, the Kansas state treasurer urged the Kansas delegation to work with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on stricter gas delivery standards.

In response to a Congressional hearing, Kansas State Treasurer Lynn Rogers said he was urging members of the Kansas Congressional delegation to work with the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission , Richard Glick, to allow the Commission to set stricter standards for the delivery of natural gas.

“We all have a responsibility to protect our communities and to protect the Kansans by ensuring that what happened last February does not happen again,” Rogers said.

In February 2020, a severe winter weather event plunged temperatures well below zero. The events triggered a series of heating and power cuts in homes because the power grid could not produce enough energy, leaving many people frozen in their homes. Months later, many Kansans are seeing the effects of the cold snap on their natural gas bills as companies raise prices to pay off what was owed due to the events.

“In early March, our office made a total of 52 loans over $ 74 million to communities across Kansas as they faced unprecedented utility bills that put them on the verge of bankruptcy.” Rogers said. “Responsible fiscal policies and stable management of the state budget have made it possible to have the funds in hand to provide these communities in crisis.

Rogers said the loans will now be repaid over a 10-year period and the cost will be passed on to consumers.

“As we head into what should be another harsh winter, we must continue to work together because no one – not our communities, not the residents of Kansas, or the state – can afford to endure another round. extraordinary utility costs, ”Rogers mentioned.

Kansas Gas Service announced a new payment option last week that allows customers to restore their utilities. During the month of October, KGS customers can pay a quarter of their bill in advance and six monthly installments to restore services to reduce costs.

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