‘iCarly’ Season 2: Carly and Freddie meet in Episode 1 – Interview


iCarly returned to Paramount+ for its second season, and the first episode of the revival wastes no time giving fans exactly what they want. Good, some supporters.

Friday’s premiere picks up shortly after 2021’s infamous Webicon disaster. Beau and Wes joined forces to turn the internet against Carly, whom they dubbed “the Ice Queen.” (Those poor boys, right? How dare she not like them!) Carly films a live apology to her whiny exes, but they manage to turn the tables on one more time. To prove she won’t die a lonely Ice Queen, Carly pretends she already has a new boyfriend, with Freddie stepping in to help seal the charade.

This leads to what showrunner Ali Schouten calls a “little meta-moment” in which a trio of “Creddie” shippers – literally driven by Freddie’s mother – confront Carly and Freddie during a fake outing in a field. of onions, where they “walk in and talk to ‘Creddie’ love.

This is all just an act, of course, but it begs the question: would the show ever let these two get together for real one day? FYI, nobody says no.

“The main thing that’s important to the writers and the actors is that everything that happens between the characters happens organically, that it’s not something that we focus on for the plot or just to piss us off. people,” says Schouten. “For us, it’s about seeing what kind of chemistry there is on set and then writing that way.”

Like most of Carly’s plans, her fake relationship with Freddie quickly spins out of control. And when he’s caught kissing another girl on one of Carly’s live streams, the audience lights up this daughter, forcing Carly to step in and explain that she made the whole relationship up because “people were demonizing [her] for not sharing Wes and Beau’s feelings.

Schouten says it shows how much the iCarly the revival has grown since its inception last year.

“It’s a more confident show,” Schouten said. “Going into Season 1, we were figuring out what it was. What could we do without? And it turned out that audiences responded well to bigger swings. So we had an opportunity from the start [of Season 2] asking, ‘What’s a really juicy thing we can get right into in Episode 1?’ Which, in this case, is being a woman on the internet. It’s still a very goofy, silly show, but I think we’re getting into that feminist stuff a bit more, which is exciting to me.

This message is particularly evident during a conversation between Carly and Freddie shortly after the internet caught him embracing his newfound pressure. Seeing his mistake as a chance to fix his image, Freddie said, “People like a woman who’s looked down on!” But they don’t like an angry woman, only men can do that. So do what you want, but be quiet about it.

We also see it in the way Carly is treated by commentators. One of them writes: “Carly, I will never cheat on you, queen!” Then 10 minutes later he calls her a lot of mean names for not answering.

So what else can we expect to see in Season 2?

“Lewbert, Guppy and Chuck are all in Episode 2, which is a great episode,” Schouten teases. “We also have Ms. Benson back for quite a few of them, and that’s a favorite piece to write for. We also have some familiar faces from other shows. Josh Peck is probably the biggest. It’s great to see him and Miranda having fun on set, like a little Drake and Josh reunion.

A person we can wait for do not to see, just like in season 1, it’s Sam, played in the original series by Jennette McCurdy.

“We knew it was important,” Schouten says of Sam’s absence in the first season. “We didn’t want to reject Sam. We want to keep Sam’s spirit alive on the show. And if [McCurdy] wants to come anytime, she is welcome. We respect that she’s at a point in her life where it doesn’t make sense for her to join the revival, and I think it’s the right choice for her, and I would never want to put that back. in question. But we also don’t want to pretend that this really important character doesn’t exist.

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