How I introduced feminism to my family



It is not easy to bring feminism into a patriarchal family. It is excluded as an unrealistic theory which has no practical implications. But some women make it their duty to change not only their lives with feminism, but also that of their families. I did the same. I introduced feminism to my family by making my choices its manifestation.

I grew up amidst patriarchal oppressions. I have been sexually harassed by several men. I witnessed domestic violence between my parents and adultery from my father. Feminism was an alien concept for me until I started graduation. The fusion of women’s literature and the feminist theories of philosophers has built the foundation of feminism in my life. The stories of oppression of women that I have read made me see the injustice that I and the women in my family have faced. I started to realize that the “unusual” ???? My life experiences were the result of patriarchal control in my life. And the stories of women asserting their rights and opinions then gave me hope to break the patriarchal control in life.

How i changed

Once I became a feminist, my choices and opinions automatically underwent a drastic change. I was not ready to accept injustice and application just because I was a woman. I began to question all instances where the free will of women was thwarted and the male ego reigned supreme. I interviewed everyone, my parents, the most respected elders and the youngest most loved.

As a result, a rift was created between me and my parents. My parents valued their reputation in a patriarchal society that was threatened by my tendency to question. They wanted me to conform to patriarchal expectations and give up my “unrealistic” ???? perceptions of life. To???? Step into the real world. Go beyond your imaginations and theories…, that’s what my father used to say every time I spoke of feminism.

It’s the color of my money

But after building a solid feminist base in life, I wasn’t ready to budge. Soon my career changed and I became a member of a feminist organization. Now feminism was not only the color of my lifestyle, but also my money. I have become an embodiment of feminism in my family. It was this bastion of feminist ideals that promised to change my family’s thought process. He introduced the idea of ​​gender equality as a need of the hour.

Today, my convictions encourage my brothers and sisters, men and women, to take responsibility for their life choices. My mother began to question the injustice she accepted as the norm. My father expressed his opposition to patriarchal society and promoted gender equality.

I will not say that my family is completely free from patriarchal control. My father always scolds my mother and invalidates her opinions and concerns. My mother always imposes patriarchal restrictions on her daughters. It is a long process and it will take a long time to change. But feminism is slowly building its ground in my house. And I hope that my firm resistance to giving up my feminism will strengthen the feminist base in my family. Because in the midst of the patriarchal cacophony, one strong feminist voice is often enough to turn the tide.

The opinions expressed are those of the author.



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